
Business Theory and Practice

On Monday, August 17 we began the 20-21 Business Theory and Practice course. This course introduces students to a number of foundational business books, always asking them to imagine how they’d apply them in both their business and personal lives. Additionally, the course leverages the Udemy course by Ray Harkins, Business Finance: A Complete Introduction; […]


Physics and Motion

On Monday, August 17, we begin the first course nearly entirely modeled after the Trilliums DO ideal of the student being responsible for their learning experience. While not live, Khan Academy will provide the expert instruction, Trilliums DO will provide the coaching, and each student will provide the care and passion to make their year […]


Western Civilization

On Monday, August 17, we will begin the first Term of our Western Civilization course. It makes use of the Western Civilization Since 1500 course, taught by Jason Jewell, from Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom for instruction. To that we add many readings, research projects, and even films. We study the history and the literature, art, […]

Baby Steps

Hello world!

Hello. Here are some things that inspire us and some hints at what we might be about.